After the classes got out there were 4
students that Ms. Sherrie asked me to tutor for a little. Two of them
needed help with their alphabet and writing the letters and the other two
needed help spelling and reading. It has been challenging trying to see where I
should start or what I should do. I want to teach the children at least one
thing before I leave so I hope my tutoring for these kids will be helpful in
the end. It has been fun tutoring because when I go downstairs they are ready
to work. What I love about the students here is that they enjoy school and are
excited to learn. They hate when they miss school or when school is over and I
love that. It is just so refreshing, as a future teacher, to see children so
eager to learn.

Before dinner, I like to hang out with the
cooks that prepare dinner for the orphanage children. They do not know any
English, but it is fun to just sit and admire what they do. One or two of the
older girls from the orphanage are usually in there and so I ask them how to
say certain things. I try my best to talk to the cooks and its funny when they
laugh at me and have to correct me over and over again. But they have the most
generous hearts in the world. I usually just stand by the door, but they always
insist that I take their seat and sit down. They even let me try their food
sometimes or sneak me a piece of chicken… Which is definitely fine by me. One
of my goals while I am here this trip is to make better relationships with the
workers that work at CLS. I am always so attached to the children that I forget
them sometimes. I want to make an effort to build relationships with them
because they are just as important. The workers here are serving the Lord where
they know best: by being cooks, teachers, cleaners, mechanics, etc. Just how I
am serving the Lord by coming here on a mission trip, they are serving it in
other ways. I want them to know that what they are doing matters and without
them, CLS would not be the same. Without the cooks, the kids would go hungry;
without the mechanics, none of the machines or electricity would work; without
the cleaning ladies, the rooms would be destroyed. They have helped build
Christian Light and they need to know how much they are appreciated daily. This
goes for back at home too. I want to learn to make an effort to show my thanks
to everyone around me because without them a lot of things would not be the
After dinner, I like to go to the girls’ room
and hang out in there. This is where the older girls usually hang out and so I
want to try and spend time with them as well. They LOVE the game Subway Surfer
on my phone so I let them take turns for about 30 minutes a night to play. It
is funny how into the game they get and how much alike they are to American
children back at home (I do the same thing with the kids I babysit back at
home). Before it gets dark I try to play with as many of the kids as I can.
They love just running around, playing on phones, and even playing with my
hair. I promised a few girls I would let them braid my whole head of hair
tonight… Not gonna lie I’m quite nervous about that haha. I don’t know how good
I’ll look but they’re excited. I brought nail polish and a small manicure set
and so I told them one night this week I will do their nails for them. The
older girls were so excited because they said they usually have to do their own
nails and end up messing up. It’s fun knowing I’ll be here a lot longer than I
have in the past because I know that I can spend so much more time with these
kids. Knowing that my relationship with each of them will grow so much over
these next 6 weeks.
God has shown me so much so far and it has
only been a few days. I can’t wait to see what else happens as my trip
continues. The children here have already been a blessing and I hope that
before I leave I maybe help them or lead them to God in some way. Love in the
most important thing to teach them. Not only to show them what love looks like,
but to make sure they know that they are loved by so many people and are especially
loved by God. He has such an amazing plan for each kid and they need to know
that. The Lord is going to use them to bring others close to him and so it is
their job to lift Him up in everything that they do. Please continue to pray
for these children and their love for Christ. It is amazing to see the things
they teach me daily about the Lord.
“We love because
he first loved us”
-1 John 4:19