Early this week my mom and I talked about the word Beloved.
I told her how much I loved that word because I love knowing that I am God’s
Beloved. I am dear to Him and He loves me with all of his heart. Not only does
He love me with all His heart but He loves you that much too!! He loves all of
us with all that He has and that is such a reassuring feeling. How great it is
that our God loves us so much and is always with us? Doesn’t that make you feel
so special? It should because we are all special, dear, BELOVED in the eyes of our Father. My mom sent me an excerpt from
an article about the word Beloved:
“the word beloved in the previous verse literally means ‘beloved, esteemed,
dear, favorite, worthy of love’. It’s a word indicating an action on the part
of one doing the loving. The God of the universe, the same God who paints a
sunset, shapes a mountain and plans the waves at the beach, has chosen to love
us, not because of who we are, but because of who He is. Our role in this is to
BE-LOVED.” That is a cool challenge
to think about. We need to let ourselves be loved by our God and know that we
are worthy in His eyes. Here is a link to the full article and I suggest to
read it because it is a cool take on being loved by our God. (http://www.jkclarkfam.com/2014/01/beloved-weekend-project-on-farm.html)
This week hasn’t been as busy as the last couple of weeks
since I’ve been here. With there not being school and summer school yet its
been nice to just relax and hang out with the kids. Monday was the last day of
school for the students. They all were done with schoolwork and so it was just
a day of fun and playtime. Some were playing soccer outside, others were inside
hanging out and there were some just running around. It was hectic and crazy so
I guess it was a good thing they got out of school at noon. There was a team
here that put together goodie bags for each student and so once they left they
all got cookies, punch, and a goodie bag. It was so fun and sweet to see how
excited they got when they were handed the bag. It makes me remember to
appreciate everything given to us. My Haitian brother, Allex, hung out with me
a lot after school got out and he surprised me with a gold bracelet. I was so
shocked and grateful for it and I wear it everyday. It makes me see that the
people here may not have as much as I have at home, and yet Allex was willing
to give me a bracelet. It was the sweetest thing and I feel like I can never
repay him for the gift. He is such a great brother and a great friend. I have been
able to hang out with Allex a lot this trip and he has given me some Creole
lessons also. It’s been fun trying to learn the language and I can now have a
semi-conversation with people. I can say hello, how are you, I am good, what is
your name, how old are you, my name is, etc. so I guess you can say I am doing
a lot better this trip than last trip.
Tuesday was the teachers’ last day and so we threw them a
party as well. The party was for teachers, cooks, and everyone else that worked
at the school. It was so fun because they got food, cupcakes, cake, soda, and
bags as well. As I walked by I heard singing and I peaked my head in and all
the teachers were singing. It was so fun and cool to see them all happy and
funny. I went to Baby Feeders again with a small group of the team that was
here. We went a lot later than usual and after that I understood why they want
to go early in the day. It was so hot and there was no breeze whatsoever. I was
glad I still went because some of the kids are starting to remember me!! I was
so excited when these twins ran up to me and hugged me. It made the hot and
sweatiness totally worth it. When we got I was exhausted but just hung out with
the kids for most of the day. I used to take a nap during the day, but have
decided to stop so that I can sleep throughout the night more. I started to see
that whenever I took a nap I would wake up constantly during the night. I have
also realized how much caffeine affects me more while I am here. We made sweet
tea one night for dinner and I was so excited! SWEET TEA! I didn’t think I was
going to get that here, but I seriously only got about 4 hours of sleep that
night. No more sweet tea at dinner for me. Wednesday, David needed to go to a
hardware store to get a few things and so some of us decided to tag along. We
walked around a few hardware stores and then went to a grocery store. I got a
type of limeade soda thing that was really good and a ham sandwich. The bread
here doesn’t have any preservatives and so it is so fresh and tastes sooo good.
The sandwich really hit the spot. David bought an antenna so that the older
boys and girls here can watch the World Cup on one of the TVs. We put the TV on
the roof and set up benches and stuff and it is so fun to watch the World Cup
on the roof. The coolest part is when one of the teams scores and the whole
neighborhood begins to cheer. I get goose bumps every time. I’ve been told that
the team of choice here is Brazil and if Brazil doesn’t make it then Argentina
so that is who I am cheering for!
Friday I continued working on the curtains, but after a
while Tammy, Josh, Ashleigh, Lindsey and I went to a pool down the street.
There is another house that some people are good friends with and at their
place they have a really cool pool. You walk in and there is a mural of a beach
and so it really feels like you are not in Port Au Prince anymore. It was a hot
day also and so the cool water helped us feel more refreshed. It was nice to
just relax and enjoy each other’s company. I think that has been one of my
favorite parts about being here is the fellowship. Yesterday we walked to a
coffee shop about 10-15 minutes away. We had to walk through the whole market
in the ravine and then had to cross a busy intersection to get to the shop.
THAT was an adrenaline rush for sure haha. But while we were at the coffee shop
we were just able to hang out and talk about a lot of things. The fellowship
here has been so nice. I have grown close to the others that are here and it is
nice to just have people to talk to and to enjoy spending time with. Being the
youngest, I have also had the wonderful opportunity to learn so much more than
I have before. They have taught me so many random things, but they have been a
great help to me. I am the kind of person to ask a lot of questions so I have
been so appreciative that they do not get annoyed or bothered by all my
questions. They really have shown me the love of God through their help and I
could never thank them enough. I have appreciated every one here because they
all have helped me throughout this journey. I am definitely out of my comfort
zone being here for so long, but they have made it a lot easier for me. I am
starting to feel more at home here and it would not be this way if it weren’t
for them. S I thank all of them for helping and loving me constantly.
“Let the Beloved of the Lord rest secure in him,
for he shields him all
day long,
and the one the Lord
loves rests between his shoulders.”
-Deuteronomy 33:12
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