Earlier today, I was playing cards with my new great friend, Brandy, and she showed me one of her favorite songs. It is called Oceans (Where Feet May Fail) by Hillsong. As I listened to it, it quickly became a favorite of mine. Later in the day I came to my room to check different things, and I had it on repeat throughout the hour of being on the internet. If you haven't heard it before I definitely recommend stopping what you're doing, listen to it, and let me know what you think (If you want to listen click *
here*). It is just a great reminder that we are nothing without the love God has for us. When you trust in Him and give Him our all, we will walk on waters with Him. My favorite part is "my soul will rest in Your embrace. I am Yours and You are mine." How awesome is it that we will always have His love and guidance for us? He will never lead us astray. It gives me goose bumps just thinking about how much love He has for us. It was unending, and seriously blows my mind thinking about it.

Today the Kindergarten through 3rd grade had VBS all through the normal class time, so it was a great break for most of the teachers here. The kids will being doing this through Thursday, so it will be nice to just sit back and spend time getting to know the children even more. I was able to talk to the kids individually when we had breaks and I learned their likes and dislikes about school and their interests outside of school. It was funny to see that they were a lot like the kids their age in America. They are kids just like the rest of them, and it was so amazing to see their childish ways come out. During the recess I was also able to hang out with the younger kids living at Christian Light. It was fun just sitting around and playing with the camera with them. We had a fun little photoshoot and it was hilarious watching them making funny faces and smiling for the camera.

After school we took some of the student helpers for lunch and a treat, to thank them for all the hard work they have done with the classes. My student helpers especially have been so awesome with my class, and I could not thank them enough. I was able to grow closer with the three girls that have been in my class these past week and this week as well. I do not know what I could have done without Murielle, Deseline, and Octaline in my class. It would have been a definite struggle. We went to a bakery and I had one of the best sandwiches I have ever had. Man was that thing delicious. Me and Sam also split a Belgium Chocolate Cheesecake and oh my gosh... I needed that chocolate. We were both so glad we decided on that cake and couldn't stop thinking about it afterwards.

After school we mostly hung out until it was time to go to the Ravine for a small church service. It is in the middle of one of the villages and is right under a tree, so it is nice and shady. The kids at the ravine were the cutest, and loved seeing us and sitting with us during the service. There was one boy in particular that was attached to me the whole time we were there. His name was Fransol, he was 9 years old and had the most precious smile in the world. He was so shy at first, but once I started hanging out with him and just playing with him he became more outgoing. Although there was a language barrier, as I do not know really any Creole and he knew no English, we were still able to become so close in a short matter of time. Before the service started we were sitting around and he saw my heart ring that I had made to raise money for the trip. I had one that I kind of messed up, but was good to me so I wore it all the time. He was really fond of it and kept playing with it and looking at it. I decided that it needed a new home and as I took it off my finger and place it on his, his face instantly lit up and he gave me the most loving hug I could have gotten. It even brought tears to my eyes that he was so grateful for it. It was just a simple wire ring, but to him it was like a diamond ring. Throughout the service he would hold my hands and play with my fingers, he even tried to get all the dirt out from under my finger nails, which I thought was the funniest thing ever. By the end of the service he knew I was leaving soon. He would just try his hardest to talk to me, but he began to point at things and tell me what they meant in Creole. I really wasn't ready to leave him but when I gave him a hug to looked him in the eyes and said the one thing I knew in Creole.. "Jezi renmen ou" and he looked at me and smiled and said the same thing back to me. He hugged me about 4 or 5 times before I left and I had to force myself to keep the tears from falling. I wasn't sure if I would ever see this little boy again, but he for sure made me feel like God has a purpose for me in Haiti. He knew that even with the language barrier I could show the love of Christ through my actions and just letting Him live through me. As we drove away I waved to Fransol until I couldn't see him anymore. I hope I can one day see him beautiful and sweet smile again, but if I don't I know God will use him in Haiti in such a great way. I will be praying for Him everyday that he lets God shine through and show His love just like he did with me today.

"For I am convinced that neither death nor life,
neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future,
nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation,
will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Romans 8:38-39
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