Knowing that tomorrow is my last full day in Haiti makes me so sad. I am not looking forward to having to say goodbye to my sweet babies in my class. I just need to remind myself that this is not a goodbye, but a see you later. I really do hope the kids learned from me, and if not I just hope I showed them how much God really does love them. I want them to know that no matter what happens in their lives, they will always have one person to have an unending love for them. These kids need that kind of hope. They need to know that there is something out there for them. My class is already so smart, and it is insane for me to think about the fact that they are only in 1st grade. I can't even imagine how smart they will be by the time the graduate from high school. This generation is the future of Haiti. They are the ones that will bring this country out of the darkness, and into the light of Christ. I am excited to see where The Lord takes them in their lives. Tomorrow I plan to tell all the kids how much they mean to me, even after such a short period of time. They have definitely taught me how to be more patient and that it is okay to be flexible. I am a big planner, but there is always some kind of surprise everyday in Haiti, so you need to learn to be flexible. God blessed me with the most wonderful kids, and I can never thank Him enough for giving me this opportunity. I cannot say this enough, but God is so so good.

Today was so much more hotter than it usually has been. I was dripping sweat throughout the entire day and drinking tons and tons of water. If any of yall decide to come to Haiti (which I definitely recommend) the biggest thing to remember to drink lots of water. You may not feel like you need to at times, but never stop drinking water. There have been days where my head is pounding and I feel like I can't move because I didn't drink enough water. Today was the kids' last day for VBS and I made it a goal to talk to each one of my kids for a short period of time, and just spend time with them. The reason I really have enjoyed having VBS the past few days is not just because it was a break from teaching, but it was a chance for me to talk to my kids one-on-one and just laugh and play with them. I really don't get a chance to do that when I'm teaching because I have so much I have for them to learn. So I loved just running around, taking pictures, playing basketball, playing with hair, and so much more with my kids. When my kids were about to leave I told them to make sure to come to school tomorrow for our *PaRtY* that we are having for my last day teaching them. I am hoping that cupcakes, games, and a movie will motivate them to come tomorrow. After school got out I played a little Horse with some of the boys. If some of yall don't know what Horse is, it's a basketball game where there are players and if a person makes a basket then everyone else has to try to make a basket in the same spot. If you miss then you get a letter, and when you spell Horse then you are out of the game and the last person is the winner. Well, it was a very competitive game, not to mention I am a very competitive person, and it took a while to finally have a winner. Sadly it wasn't me, and I was a little upset about that but I was runner up so that counts for something, right?

After school there really wasn't much that went on. I just hung out, caught up on my online class I've been taking this summer, and chatted with my mom some. I was also able to go through all my bags and try to get things ready to leave on Saturday, so that was a relief to have it done. For my class's party tomorrow I am having cupcakes and treats, so a little while ago I got the cupcakes baked, and tomorrow I will ice them. I obviously had to taste test them to make sure they were okay to eat, and oh yeah they are good to eat. I had to stop myself from eating another one. During dinner a lot of us just caught up on each other's day and it's incredible how close I have gotten with these people. It will be hard to not wake up and see their wonderful faces when I go for breakfast. All of these people have definitely impacted my life, and they may not realize it, but I am so thankful that God has put them in my life. I can't imagine my life without them anymore. I am surrounded by such Godly men and women that do nothing but lift God up, and it is so inspiring. I know that I will be able to come to them for questions and struggles, even after I leave, from now on. I cannot tell yall enough how blessed I am for have met them, and in a post later I plan on putting a face to all the names so you will be able to see who I have grown so close to. When I was starting to right this post the song "God's Great Dance Floor" by Chris Tomlin from Passion 2013 came on. This song is such an uplifting song and literally makes you want to jump up and down, sing and dance for The Lord. If you haven't heard the song before then you can click *
here* to have a listen. My favorite part is the chorus when it says "You'll never stop loving us, no matter how far we run. You'll never give up on us. All of heaven shouts: let the future begin." I just love the fact that God will
never stop loving us. No matter how many times we sin, He is going to keep loving us. It makes me smile to think about that because it is so reassuring. There are times where I'm like "how did I ever get so lucky to have such a loving and forgiving Father?" It just amazes me.

I'm not sure if you can tell what this is but on the playground I saw that someone wrote, "we loves the auburn group" and that just made my heart happy haha. It is nice to know that our church group that comes to Haiti regularly is loved!! As yall know I only have a few days left sadly.. I'm sorry this post wasn't that exciting, BUT I do have a plan for tomorrow's post and I am going to warn you that it will probably be longer than usual and filled with waaaay more pictures. So.... Get excited for that!
"In the same way, let your light shine before others,
that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."
Matthew 5:16
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