These past two days have been very calm. We all woke up for church Sunday morning and went back to the Port-au-Prince Fellowship like last week. Again, the worship was amazing. There was one song in particular I didn't know before we sang it, but at the end we sang the chorus in Creole. Wow that was a great thing to witness. All the Haitians that were there were so into the words because they knew exactly what the words meant to them. It's not that they didn't know what they meant in English, but to be singing in your first language is a different feeling. It would be like my singing in Spanish and then they have the chorus in English after. I can really feel what the words are saying because they are in my home language. I don't know if that makes any sense, but to witness it is a whole different story. In church we learned about faith. It is said in the bible that without faith we cannot completely please God. It is faith that brings us so much closer together. I never thought of it that way. I could know everything about God, and have the entire Bible memorized. If I don't have faith though, is there even a relationship between us? There isn't because I wouldn't have my completely trust in Him and I may not really believe the words I am learning. I loved this talk because it put it into perspective that in order to live for and with God, we need to have complete faith in Him. I thought a lot about what we learned afterwards. I prayed and prayed, hoping that I had the faith in God that I know He would like for me to have. I knew that faith and trust is definitely a big weakness of mine. I've already talked about trust throughout this blog, but I just get scared so easily and I worry about the smallest things ever. When I woke up and did my quiet time this morning, I opened up my
Jesus Calling book and you know what today focused on? To not worry; I read more and one part really caught my eye. It says, "
My grace is sufficient for you, but its sufficiency is for only one day at a time... trusting Me bring you directly into My Presence." I had a good laugh at this because I needed to read this. I know trust and worrying will always be an issue for me, but I need to keep reminding myself that He is there for me. Like I said, I have talked about being scared or not trusting, but I honestly get constant reminders about just letting go and trusting in The Lord. None of them are ever coincidences either, and I know God is just trying to help me through all the fear I have. He really is such a great Father.

Today we read Goldilocks and The Three Bears and wow I did not expect them to get so excited about this book. They thought it was hilarious and I was very pleased with how well they liked it. We began by making bear masks, but some of the boys thought to make lion masks so we had a lot of different animals in the class today. My class was so great today that we had a longer recess than usual, and the second and third grade classes did the same. During recess I was able to hang out with the older kids in other classes that I haven't met before. They loved pictures so lets just say we had a little photo shoot throughout recess. The kids then came in for lunch, and when they left they all made sure I would give them each a hug before they left. Hugs are my favorite things to give children because you can really show how much they mean to you in one small gesture. I was able to take a small nap after school and upload pictures on Facebook, so this afternoon was definitely a lazy afternoon. I just got done with dinner and am able to go play with the kids down in the courtyard. After I took my nap today it dawned on me that I only have a few days left here. It suddenly made me emotional thinking about leaving these kids. I know I still have most of the week, but I am not sure how to prepare myself to say goodbyes. I don't like goodbye, but I am going to make sure that this will not be a goodbye. This will just be a see you soon. These kids have no idea what kind of effect they have made on me, but I can't wait to see them again. I just know that this week I need to make sure to spend as much time as I can with the kids because it may be a whole year until I can see them again. I know The Lord will continue to watch over the kids even when I leave, and I have no doubt that it won't be long until I am embraced by their hugs again. I know I still have a week left with them, but these were the emotions going through my mind that I thought I would like to share with you guys. There is no telling what my post for my last day will be like, but just a warning it may be very emotional. But God is good and so I know He has a wonderful plan for these kids and myself as well.

"But he said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power in made perfect in weakness."
There I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."
2 Corinthians 12:9
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